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Make a Splash

Updated: Jul 26, 2021

How do you make a splash in your life? How does your creativity flow?

July is just a few days away! As the COVID cases continue to rise in TX and more "fun" gets cancelled from my calendar, my fear and anxiety are creeping up on me. Honestly, I thought we'd be in the clear by now. I didn't anticipate going backward with social distancing. Just as things were letting up a bit, we get slammed! So I turn off the news, turn off the social media, and turn inward. Reach into your creativity friends. Research says that creativity is one of the three components to happiness. So why is creativity so important? Creativity allows you to get lost in something you enjoy. It allows you to make something new. Put parts together to make a whole. De-stress! How do you express your creativity? Recent research identified 3 components to happiness and creativity was one of them. They searched the world over looking for what really makes a person happy. Here's what it came down to: 1. Social Connection. Do you have strong social connections? It doesn't have to be blood family but we do need strong connections. 2. Giving back to the Community. Do you have a way to give back. It could be time, talent, or money. 3. Creativity. Get a creative outlet!

Deep Play

Let's call if deep play. Deep play promotes rest from normal day to day activities. I'm keeping in mind all that quarantine has taught me when it comes to rest. As a person who doesn't "rest" well, I need a reminder. When I'm away on vacation I rest. But planning it out in my day to day doesn't typically happen. It takes PLANNING. Hear it from me friends! You need to plan out your time for deep play. It doesn't have to be a solo activity but does need to allow your brain a break. 1. Lace up your running or walking shoes and hit the pavement. Do it early. It's hot out there. 2. Take up a musical instrument. 3. Start experimenting in the kitchen with beautiful healthy whole food. 4. Literally play with your kids. 5. Get lost in a conversation with a person who fills you up and has incredible energy. 6. Journal about your life. Write poetry or anything that lights you up. 7. Tinker with a hobby.

Plan it in your calendar. Protect that time. Rest your brain.

Make a splash in your life this month. Create, learn, explore and from that rest you'll gain more happiness, more creativity, more peace, more harmony, more love. Spread the love!

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